Private Taxi Tour

On our website, you will find a surprisingly vast variety of private Athens tours and Greece tours that cater to your desires, as well as cost effective shared tours by Taxi.

All private tours and shore excursions in Greece are fully customized to accommodate your specific needs and requirements, enabling you to enjoy your vacation in the most comfortable and affordable way.


Ancient Corinth & Olympia 2 Days Tour

Argolis, Sparta &Mistras 2 Days Tour

Delphi & Olympia 2 Days Tour

Corinth Canal, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Thermopylae 3 Days Tour

Argolis, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Thermopylae 4 Days Tour

Delphi & Meteora 2 Days Tour



Corinth Canal, Ancient Corinth, Olympia Two Days Tour

This private tour will drive you along the coastal road of the Saronic Gulf until we reach the Corinth Canal with its breathtaking views (short stop) which connects the Aegean Sea with the Ionian Sea.



1st Day:

Shortly thereafter we drive on to the ancient City of Corinth (visit) where St. Paul lived and preached for 18 months.

Back in the ancient times Corinth was amongst the richest cities and this is quite evident by its remains, including the huge ancient agora (ancient market) and Apollo’s Temple (6th C.B.C). Ancient Corinth was destroyed by the Romans in 146 B.C.E. and was reconstructed again. After lunch at Ancient Corinth we drive on to Olympia, free evening for a stroll through the modern City of Olympia, Dinner, overnight in Olympia.

2nd Day:

After breakfast we visit the ancient city of Olympia, and the Museum, Ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games.
Its fame rests upon the Olympic Games, the greatest national festival and a highly prestigious one world-wide, the Olympic Games were held every four years to Honor God Zeus. Olympia is a unique place, featuring lush greenery and a vast array of monuments and landmarks.
The most important sanctuary of God Zeus is situated here, as well as Altis and the original stadiums of the Olympic Games.
Ancient Olympia has been the center of attention during the ancient years, and still today is the starting point of the Olympic Flame that is born here, every four years prior to the new festival. The starting line in Olympic stadium is still visible, so take your position and run this historical course, competing with the athletes of the past, or simply the tourists that flock to this area.After lunch we return to Athens late in the afternoon.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.


Argolis – Sparta – Mistras, Two Days Tour

Visit Sparta, the birth place of the toughest well trained and well known warriors in the ancient world The Spartans, Tour Corinth Canal, ancient Corinth, Mycenea, Nauplio, ancient Sparta, Mistras , Athens


1st Day: Athens, Corinth canal, ancient Corinth, Nafplion, Sparta

Athens taxi tour will drive you along the coastal road of the Saronic Gulf until we reach the Corinth Canal which joins the Saronic Gulf and the Gulf of Corinth (short stop).

Our tour continues and shortly we will reach the ancient city of Corinth (visit) where St. Paul lived and preached for 18 months. Back in the ancient times Corinth was amongst the wealthiest cities.The ruins of this once splendid city lie high up on a hill above the modern town, overlooking both the Corinth and the Saronicos Gulfs. In fact, ancient Corinth owed it’s wealth and it’s power to its advantageous position being between two harbors, (Lechaion in the Corinthian Gulf and Kechreae on the SaronicGulf ).The principal sights include the Temple Apollo (6th C.B.C), the fountain of Pirene, the Market place, Theater the Odeum.Visit Isthmus, the site of the ancient port of Kechreai where St. Paul disembarked to Ephesus. Visit Mycenae with its Cyclopean walls, Agamemnon’s Palace (acropolis) and the tomb of Clytemnestra and also the tomb of Atreus, and the Lions Gate. Athens taxi tours will drive you to the first Capital city of modern Greece Nafplion. After lunch visit the Venetian fortress of Palamidi and we will drive to Sparta.

Dinner & overnight in Sparta.

2nd Day: Sparta, Mistras, Corinth Canal, Athens

In the morning we will drive you to visit the sites of ancient Sparta and Byzantine fortified town of Mistras. Sparta was founded by the Dorian’s in the 9th century B.C. and in the next few years it developed into the most powerful military city in Greece, thanks to the efficient laws, perfected by the law-giver Lycurgus. The Spartans deferred from the rest of the Greeks in culture, and the way of life. The Spartans character were mostly military, the life of the citizen was dedicated to serving the country, and the art of war.Mistras, was once a glittering fortress of the Byzantine Empire, with Palaces, houses, monasteries, and churches founded in the 13th century during the Frankish occupation of the Peloponnese. Mistras is now a huge museum of architecture, sculpture and decorative art.After lunch we’ll drive back to ATHENS ending yet another one of our spectacular tours.You can customize your private tour at anytime on the way or before your arrival contacting Athens taxi tour.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.


Delphi – Olympia, Two Days Tour

The most recognized places in the ancient world!

Duration: 2 days / 1 night

Experience one of the most important Athens Taxi tours. A journey to Delphi the navel of the Earth, The Oracle, the temple of Apollo, the Delphi museum, and ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic games.



1st Day: Athens, Delphi

This private tour will guide you to the ancient period of the Delphi glory.
Enjoy Delphi, the museum and all it’s treasures, Athens taxi tour will pick you up from your Hotel, or cruise ship, and we will start our tour driving through Viotia, by Thebes, the once powerful city – state that fell along with Athens in the battle of Chaeronia in the 4th century B.C.

Athens Taxi we’ll drive you, through Arachova (famous for its bright multi colored carpets) to Delphi.  Arrive in Delphi, the ancient sanctuary of Apollo (The grandeur of Delphi has to be seen to be believed). At Delphi you will visit the Archaeological site, with the Temple of Apollo, the Athenian treasury, the Theater, and also the Stadium.
And also a visit to the Museum where one can see excellent pieces from the Archaic and Classical periods. Among other archaeological treasures, the unique bronze Charioteer, the pediments from the temple of Apollo, the “naval of the earth” the winged Sphinx.

Lunch in in the modern city of Delphi a picturesque mountain village, located just 300 meters from the ancient city of Delphi built on the south slopes of Parnassus overlooking the Itean Bay.

After lunch Athens taxi tour will depart from Delphi to Olympia through Nafpaktos, Antirio, over the largest bridge in Europe, Rio and Olympia.

Overnight in Olympia.

2nd Day: Olympia, Athens

After breakfast, Athens Taxi Tour will take you to visit the Ancient sight of Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games.
Olympia in Peloponnese Greece, was the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, the Games where held every four years by the Greeks and the whole known world participated bringing truce (Ekecheiria) until the games ended.
Olympia is situated in a valley in Elis, in western Peloponnese (Peloponnesus), were the Alpheas River runs.In 776 BC, Iphitos, king of Elis, Kleosthenes of Pisa and Lykourgos of Sparta reorganized the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus and instituted the sacred ekecheiria, or truce.
Soon it’s fame rests upon the Olympic Games, the greatest national festival and a highly prestigious one world-wide.
The Olympiads included not only athletic contests, but also reciting of verse, reading debates on philosophical and other topics and from 67 A.D.poetic,musical and dramatic competitions.

The modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896 in Athens. Even today the Olympic flame is lit every four years in the ancient sanctuary.
Experience the center of attention during the ancient years, and the starting point of the Olympic Flame.
Today you can still enjoy a run in the ancient Olympic stadium taking your position at the starting line which is still visible. You can visit in this private tour the Olympia Archaeological Museum and the most important sanctuary of God Zeus is situated here, also the original stadiums of the Olympic Games. The Museum of the Olympic Games.

We will end this unique Olympia day tour traveling through the landscape of Peloponnese back to Athens arriving early in the evening.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.


Corinth Canal, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Thermopylae, Three Days Tour


Duration: 3 days / 2 night

Experience the most famous Tour, through the ancient and modern times, from Athens to Corinth canal, ancient Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, and Thermopylae.



1st Day: Drive on the coastal road to Corinth Canal (short stop).

Depart for Olympia through Central Peloponnese and the Towns of Tripolis and Megalopolis.
We will arrive with Athens taxi tour in Olympia, the Cradle of the Olympic Games.
Visit the Archaeological Site with the Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus, the Ancient Stadium, and the Archaeological Museum.
Olympia in Peloponnese Greece, was the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games.
The Games where held every four years by the Greeks and the whole known world participated bringing truce (Ekecheiria) until the games ended.
Olympia is situated in a valley in Elis, in western Peloponnese (Peloponnesus), were the Alpheas River runs.
In 776 BC, Iphitos, king of Elis, Kleosthenes of Pisa and Lykourgos of Sparta reorganized the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus and instituted the sacred ekecheiria, or truce.
Soon it’s fame rests upon the Olympic Games, the greatest national festival and a highly prestigious one world-wide.
The Olympiads included not only athletic contests,but also reciting of verse, reading debates on philosophical and other topics, and from 67 A.D.poetic,musical and dramatic competitions.

The modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896 in Athens. Even today the Olympic flame is lit every four years in the ancient sanctuary.
Experience the center of attention during the ancient years, and the starting point of the Olympic Flame.
Today you can still enjoy a run in the ancient Olympic stadium taking your position at the starting line which is still visible.
You can visit in this private tour the Olympia Archaeological Museum and the most important sanctuary of God Zeus is situated here, also the original stadiums of the Olympic Games. The Museum of the Olympic Games.

Overnight in ancient Olympia.



2ndDay: Depart from Olympia to Nafpaktos, Arachova, Delphi, Thermopylae, Meteora.

Start in the morning, Athens Taxi tour will drive you through Patra, over the biggest bridge in Europe which connects west Greece & Peloponnese, on to Nafpaktos, Delphi.
Arrive in Delphi, the ancient sanctuary of Apollo.(The grandeur of Delphi has to be seen to be believed).
At Delphi you will visit the Archaeological site, with the Temple of Apollo, the Athenian treasury, the Theater, and also the Stadium.
And also a visit to the Museum where one can see excellent pieces from the Archaic and Classical periods.
Among other archaeological treasures, the unique bronze Charioteer, the pediments from the temple of Apollo, the “naval of the earth” the winged Sphinx.

Lunch in in the modern city of Delphi a picturesque mountain village.
Depart for Kalambaka a town located at the foothill of Meteora.

The drive includes driving through towns of Central Greece (AMPHISSA, LAMIA and TRIKALA) crossing the Thessalian plain, the granary of GREECE, to reach KALAMBAKA late in the afternoon.

Overnight in Kalampaka.

3rd Day: Visit the breathtaking Meteora and it’s monasteries built on the top of high rocks standing

The monasteries of Meteora are:

  1. The Monastery of Great Meteoron. It is the biggest of the Meteorite monasteries.
  2. The Monastery of Varlaam is the second, after the Great Meteoro.
  3. The Monastery of Rousanou. It is dedicated to ‘The Transfiguration’ but honored to Saint Barbara.
  4. The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas. It is the first to meet on our way from Kastraki to Meteora.
  5. The Monastery of St. Stephen. It is one of the most attainable as we don’t have to cope with innumerable stairs to reach it.
  6. The Monastery of Holy Trinity is very difficult to reach. The visitor has to cross the valley and continue high up through the rock before we arrive outside the entrance.

After our visit to Meteora we will drive back to Athens stopping and visiting Thermopylae.

Thermopylae (hot gates) were the famous site of the historic battle between the 300 Spartans led by Leonidas and the Persian army of Xerxes 480B.C.
The huge monument to Leonidas and the 300 cypresstrees commemorate the death of the heroic Spartans. On the monument wall the words “Molon Lave” is written under the statue.
The phrase means, “Come and get it”, this is the phrase that Leonidas said to the Persian king Xerxes when he was told to hand over his weapons.

The phrase has become a slogan of defiance all over the world. Shortly After the battle the ancient memorial was placed just across the highway from the modern memorial.
It is a small carved stone plaque that says, “Stranger, tell the Spartans that we lay here obedient to their laws”.
This ancient memorial is on the small hill across the national road from the modern one, after visiting we will drive back to Athens.

We’ll arrive in Athens ending our private tour in the afternoon.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.


Corinth Canal, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Thermopylae, Three Days Tour


Duration: 3 days / 2 night

Experience the most famous Tour, through the ancient and modern times, from Athens to Corinth canal, ancient Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, and Thermopylae.



1st Day: Drive on the coastal road to Corinth Canal (short stop).

Depart for Olympia through Central Peloponnese and the Towns of Tripolis and Megalopolis.
We will arrive with Athens taxi tour in Olympia, the Cradle of the Olympic Games.
Visit the Archaeological Site with the Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus, the Ancient Stadium, and the Archaeological Museum.
Olympia in Peloponnese Greece, was the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games.
The Games where held every four years by the Greeks and the whole known world participated bringing truce (Ekecheiria) until the games ended.
Olympia is situated in a valley in Elis, in western Peloponnese (Peloponnesus), were the Alpheas River runs.
In 776 BC, Iphitos, king of Elis, Kleosthenes of Pisa and Lykourgos of Sparta reorganized the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus and instituted the sacred ekecheiria, or truce.
Soon it’s fame rests upon the Olympic Games, the greatest national festival and a highly prestigious one world-wide.
The Olympiads included not only athletic contests,but also reciting of verse, reading debates on philosophical and other topics, and from 67 A.D.poetic,musical and dramatic competitions.

The modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896 in Athens. Even today the Olympic flame is lit every four years in the ancient sanctuary.
Experience the center of attention during the ancient years, and the starting point of the Olympic Flame.
Today you can still enjoy a run in the ancient Olympic stadium taking your position at the starting line which is still visible.
You can visit in this private tour the Olympia Archaeological Museum and the most important sanctuary of God Zeus is situated here, also the original stadiums of the Olympic Games. The Museum of the Olympic Games.

Overnight in ancient Olympia.



2ndDay: Depart from Olympia to Nafpaktos, Arachova, Delphi, Thermopylae, Meteora.

Start in the morning, Athens Taxi tour will drive you through Patra, over the biggest bridge in Europe which connects west Greece & Peloponnese, on to Nafpaktos, Delphi.
Arrive in Delphi, the ancient sanctuary of Apollo.(The grandeur of Delphi has to be seen to be believed).
At Delphi you will visit the Archaeological site, with the Temple of Apollo, the Athenian treasury, the Theater, and also the Stadium.
And also a visit to the Museum where one can see excellent pieces from the Archaic and Classical periods.
Among other archaeological treasures, the unique bronze Charioteer, the pediments from the temple of Apollo, the “naval of the earth” the winged Sphinx.

Lunch in in the modern city of Delphi a picturesque mountain village.
Depart for Kalambaka a town located at the foothill of Meteora.

The drive includes driving through towns of Central Greece (AMPHISSA, LAMIA and TRIKALA) crossing the Thessalian plain, the granary of GREECE, to reach KALAMBAKA late in the afternoon.

Overnight in Kalampaka.

3rd Day: Visit the breathtaking Meteora and it’s monasteries built on the top of high rocks standing

The monasteries of Meteora are:

  1. The Monastery of Great Meteoron. It is the biggest of the Meteorite monasteries.
  2. The Monastery of Varlaam is the second, after the Great Meteoro.
  3. The Monastery of Rousanou. It is dedicated to ‘The Transfiguration’ but honored to Saint Barbara.
  4. The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas. It is the first to meet on our way from Kastraki to Meteora.
  5. The Monastery of St. Stephen. It is one of the most attainable as we don’t have to cope with innumerable stairs to reach it.
  6. The Monastery of Holy Trinity is very difficult to reach. The visitor has to cross the valley and continue high up through the rock before we arrive outside the entrance.

After our visit to Meteora we will drive back to Athens stopping and visiting Thermopylae.

Thermopylae (hot gates) were the famous site of the historic battle between the 300 Spartans led by Leonidas and the Persian army of Xerxes 480B.C.
The huge monument to Leonidas and the 300 cypresstrees commemorate the death of the heroic Spartans. On the monument wall the words “Molon Lave” is written under the statue.
The phrase means, “Come and get it”, this is the phrase that Leonidas said to the Persian king Xerxes when he was told to hand over his weapons.

The phrase has become a slogan of defiance all over the world. Shortly After the battle the ancient memorial was placed just across the highway from the modern memorial.
It is a small carved stone plaque that says, “Stranger, tell the Spartans that we lay here obedient to their laws”.
This ancient memorial is on the small hill across the national road from the modern one, after visiting we will drive back to Athens.

We’ll arrive in Athens ending our private tour in the afternoon.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.


Delphi – Meteora, Two Days Tour

Two Days Delphi – Meteora, unique tour to Delphi, the temple of Apollo, the Delphi museum, the navel of Earth in Delphi and the Delphi Oracle.
This Tour will guide you to the ancient period of the Delphi glory.



1st Day: Athens, Delphi

Enjoy Delphi, the museum and all it’s treasures.
Athens taxi tour will pick you up from your Hotel, or cruise ship, and we will start our tour driving through Viotia, by Thebes, the once powerful city – state that fell along with Athens in the battle of Chaeronia in the 4th century B.C.Levadia.

Athens Taxi we’ll drive you, through Arachova (famous for its bright multi colored carpets) to Delphi.

Arrive in Delphi, the ancient sanctuary of Apollo.
(The grandeur of Delphi has to be seen to be believed).
At Delphi you will visit the Archaeological site, with the Temple of Apollo, the Athenian treasury, the Theater, and also the Stadium.
And also a visit to the Museum where one can see excellent pieces from the Archaic and Classical periods.

Among other archaeological treasures, the unique bronze Charioteer, the pediments from the temple of Apollo, the “naval of the earth” the winged Sphinx.

Lunch in in the modern city of Delphi a picturesque mountain village.

After lunch we continue to drive towards Kalampaka, a very scenic drive driving on mountain roads.

Drive through the towns of Central Greece (AMPHISSA, LAMIA and TRIKALA) crossing the Thessaly’s plain, the granary of GREECE, to reach Kalambaka late in the afternoon.
Located at the foothill of Meteora in Kastraki or Kalambaka.

Overnight in Kalampaka or Kastraki.

2nd Day: Meteora, Thermopylae, Athens

Morning we will visit Meteora the most breathtaking rock formation and it’s monasteries built on the top of high rocks,standing between,earth and Heaven.

The monasteries of Meteora are:

  • The Monastery of Great Meteoron. It is the biggest of the Meteorite monasteries.
  • The Monastery of Varlaam is the second, after the Great Meteoron, big in size monastery.
  • The Monastery of Rousanou. It is dedicated to ‘The Transfiguration’ but honored to Saint Barbara.
  • The holy Trinity Monastery (the most difficult to get to).
  • The Monastery of St. Stephen.
  • The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas. It is the first to meet on our way.

Lunch at Kalampaka, and we start to drive back to Athens.

On the way back to Athens will we stop and visit Thermopylae: were the famous site of the historic battle between the 300 Spartans led by Leonidas and the Persian army of Xerxes 480B.C.
The huge monument to Leonidas and the 300 cypress trees commemorate the death of the heroic Spartans.
On the monument wall the words “Molon Lave” is written under the statue. The phrase means, “Come and get it”, this is the phrase that Leonidas said to the Persian king Xerxes when he was told to hand over his weapons.
The phrase has become a slogan of defiance all over the world.
Shortly After the battle the ancient memorial was placed just across the highway from the modern memorial.
It is a small carved stone plaque that says, “Stranger, tell the Spartans that we lay here obedient to their laws”.
This ancient memorial is on the small hill across the national road from the modern one.

After visiting we will drive back to Athens.

  • Make your hotel reservation with us in any Place you may want at the places that we visit in our tours.